This Month's Articles

Helpful Resources for Parents

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UpStreet's Verse Cling

Learn it, Lock it, Live it.

Learn It. Take this verse cling and stick it somewhere your family will see all the time (fridge, bathroom mirror) so you can learn the verse together. 

Lock It. Challenge each other to memorize the verse. Say it together with your kid to their small group leader during pickup on UpStreet, and your kid will win a pop it keychain.

Say the verse together with your child to their UpStreet small group leader any Sunday in January! 

Live It. We all want our kids to have good friends—to sit with on the bus, eat lunch with, be on a team together. Everything is better when you have a good friend. This month talk as a family about how Jesus taught (and showed us!) what it’s like to BE a good friend. Because we all know that if you want a good friend, you have to be one! 
Do to others as you would have them do to you.  – Luke 6:31

Verse clings are available on UpStreet.

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UpStreet's Car Tag

Make time in the car matter.

Seems like we’re always shuttling our kids back and forth from activities with friends, school with friends, or sports, parties, and games with friends. It might be the perfect time to pull out this month’s UpStreet car tag on friendship!  

Each month the car tag gives you a few questions to get the conversation going to engage with your kids about what really matters. 

So hang it in your car and ask them about their friends!

Car tags are available on UpStreet