I'm Veronica, and I'm Made For More.

image of veronicaBack in May 2022, my son Christian started in Transit, and on the very first day the parents watched a video from volunteers that showed me how much we can do in Transit to guide our middle schoolers toward having a faith of their own. That day I decided to join as a Transit leader. I didn’t know what to expect, but this has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

Watching these girls grow their faith the last 2 ½ years has been an amazing journey, and I feel honored to be part of it. Not only are they discovering a faith of their own, but MY Faith is stronger than ever before. I am so thankful that God put a desire to serve in my heart and that Transit made it possible.

You are Made For More, too. Volunteering in our church is one way you can discover the more you are made for. Ready to find out what you were made for?

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