I'm Charlie, and I'm Made For More.

image of christie

My favorite verses in the Bible are John 13:34–35: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
My hour on UpStreet every Sunday is the best hour of my week. I get to interact and share God’s love with students, small group leaders, other volunteers, and staff members. I get to participate in and have a front row seat to see people grow and learn about Jesus and what he has done for us.  In many instances the process is slow and difficult to perceive.  Sometimes it takes a special moment like being asked to baptize a student because when they thought of UpStreet, they thought of you. How could I not be moved by that?  

I signed up to serve, expecting to be the one giving to others, but most of the time I’m pretty sure I get more out of it than the people I’m serving. 

You are Made For More, too. Volunteering in our church is one way you can discover the more you are made for. Ready to find out what you were made for?

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